Immersive Scholar seeks to develop extensible models and programs for the development and dissemination of digital, experiential scholarship in large-scale and immersive visualization environments. This project also aims to increase the impact of academic visualization environments and the scholarship created within them through the following:
Immersive Scholar is indebted to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for a grant entitled “Visualizing Digital Scholarship in Libraries and Learning Spaces” which was the genesis of this project.
Project Citation:
Immersive Scholar. Micah Vandegrift, Shelby Hallman, Walt Gurley, Mildred Nicaragua, Abigail Mann, Mike Nutt, Markus Wust, Greg Raschke, Erica Hayes, Abigail Feldman, Cynthia Rosenfeld, Jasmine Lang, Kelsey Dufresne, David Reagan, Eric Johnson, Chris Hoffman, Alexandra Perkins, Patrick Rashleigh, Robert Wallace, William Mischo, Elisandro Cabada. Released on GitHub and Open Science Framework.